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Resistance to rail privatisation in Mali - solidarity appeal

Last November Attac France along with SUD Rail and the CGT railworkers' unions initiated a European protest campaign against the dismissal from employment of Tiécoura Traoré, a railway engineer from Mali and President of Cocidirail, "Collectif citoyen pour la restitution et le développement intégré du rail malien" (the Citizens' Collective for taking back and developing the railways in Mali). A support group was set up in Bamako by an assembly of social movements to "repudiate his victimisation and reinstate him in his job with full pay and conditions". The President of the employment tribunal has listed the case for consideration on 9 May. The legal process is likely to last for several months further.

Seven months after the sacking, there is a renewed urgency to build a solidarity campaign with Cocidirail and its President, whose comrades fear for his life. It is equally urgent to deliver financial support to them in their struggles and the legal steps they are taking.

You will find here an appeal for support, jointly signed and distributed by Attac France, SUD Rail and the CGT railworkers' unions which shows the various ways of showing solidarity. We are at your disposal should you require any further information and particularly is you wish to receive written contributions by Tiécoura Traoré on Malien railways.

Thank you for your solidarity,

Attac African working group (

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