LabourStart - / Saudi Arabia

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2034 FIFA World Cup Bid: BWI Lodges Complaint Against Saudi Arabia Over Forced Labour and Wage Theft

Saudi Arabia

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2034 FIFA World Cup Bid: BWI Lodges Complaint Against Saudi Arabia Over Forced Labour and Wage Theft [BWI] 2024-06-06

Country accused of using forced labour ahead of Fifa World Cup decision [Head Topics] 2024-06-06

ILO Forced Labor Complaint a Wake-Up Call [Human Rights Watch] 2024-06-06

Country ratifies the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187) [ILO] 2024-06-06

Migrant Workers’ Long Overdue Wages at Risk [Human Rights Watch] 2024-02-29

Following exposé, Amazon to pay nearly 2 million to migrant warehouse workers in Saudi Arabia [UNI Global Union] 2024-02-26

Further drop feared in sending housemaids as Saudi employers to pay less migration cost [The Business Standard] 2024-01-17

McDonald’s and Chuck E Cheese tied to alleged foreign worker exploitation [Guardian] 2023-10-14

Revealed: Amazon linked to trafficking of workers in Saudi Arabia [Guardian] 2023-10-14

Migrants workers who toiled in Amazon warehouses were deceived and exploited [Amnesty International] 2023-10-11


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Today's labour news

2034 FIFA World Cup Bid: BWI Lodges Complaint Against Saudi Arabia Over Forced Labour and Wage Theft 2024-06-06 [BWI]

Country accused of using forced labour ahead of Fifa World Cup decision 2024-06-06 [Head Topics]

ILO Forced Labor Complaint a Wake-Up Call 2024-06-06 [Human Rights Watch]

Country ratifies the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187) 2024-06-06 [ILO]

Migrant Workers’ Long Overdue Wages at Risk 2024-02-29 [Human Rights Watch]

Following exposé, Amazon to pay nearly 2 million to migrant warehouse workers in Saudi Arabia 2024-02-26 [UNI Global Union]

Amazon to pay $1.9 million to migrant contract workers to settle claims of human rights abuses 2024-02-23 [CNBC]

Further drop feared in sending housemaids as Saudi employers to pay less migration cost 2024-01-17 [The Business Standard]

McDonald’s and Chuck E Cheese tied to alleged foreign worker exploitation 2023-10-14 [Guardian]

Revealed: Amazon linked to trafficking of workers in Saudi Arabia 2023-10-14 [Guardian]

Amazon 'Failed to Protect' Third-Party Workers in Saudi Arabia 2023-10-11 [Common Dreams]

Migrants workers who toiled in Amazon warehouses were deceived and exploited 2023-10-11 [Amnesty International]

Amazon response to Amnesty International about contracted workers in Saudi Arabia 2023-10-05 [Amnesty International]

Leeds UCU condemns Saudi court’s 34 year jail sentence for PhD student Salma al-Shehab 2022-08-28 [MENA Solidarity Network]

Saudi Arabia: 28,000 women apply for 30 train driver jobs 2022-02-17 [Radio New Zealand International]

Saudi Arabia: Investigation into high death rate among Nepali workers finds unsafe working conditions, lack of investigations & relatives left destitute 2022-02-17 [Business and Human Rights Resource Centre]

Yemeni Workers at Risk of Mass Forced Returns 2021-09-01 [Human Rights Watch]

Kenyan agency United Manpower allegedly 'refused pleas' of domestic worker in Saudi Arabia abused by employer & who died in detention 2021-08-12 [Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]

Philippines lifts ban on workers deploying to Saudi Arabia 2021-05-29 [Reuters]

Women migrant workers detained for month 2021-04-15 [Amnesty International]

Labor Reforms Insufficient - Abusive Elements Remain; Changes Exclude Domestic Workers 2021-03-27 [Human Rights Watch]

Personal Drivers Face Abuse; Forthcoming Kafala Reforms Overlook Vulnerable Domestic Workers 2020-12-27 [Human Rights Watch]

Global unions call for justice for Saudi women‘s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul 2020-12-22 [IFJ]

Migrants Held in Inhuman, Degrading Conditions 2020-12-15 [Human Rights Watch]

Country ratifies ILO conventions setting out safeguards with crucial importance for the response to COVID-19 2020-12-09 [ILO]

The Cost of Contagion The human rights impacts of COVID-19 on migrant workers in the Gulf 2020-12-06 [Equidem]

450 jobless Indian workers forced to beg 2020-09-19 [TNN]

Court ruling in Jamal Khashoggi's murder case is a shocking denial of justice 2020-09-09 [IFJ]

Coronavirus updates: Amazon workers sue the company; Saudi cases top 100,000 2020-06-07 [CNBC]

Saudi journalists outed as gay and detained for seeking asylum 2019-11-22 [IFJ]

MEAA urges Saudi journalists be granted asylum 2019-11-19 [MEAA]

ITF and Saudi Arabia commit to work closer together to support seafarers 2019-11-06 [ITF]

Saudi Arabia claiming immunity in High Court over discrimination case 2019-11-04 [Irish Times]

Dublin vigil to mark the murder of Jamal Khashoggi 2019-10-17 [NUJ]

Khashoggi : A year without justice 2019-10-02 [IFJ]

Largest labour group urged to condemn Saudi weapons deal 2019-06-27 [Middle East Eye]

Saudi Arabia announces new work rules for women 2019-01-21 [khaleejtimes]

IFJ Executive reinforces calls for international action to hold Saudi government accountable for Khashoggi murder 2018-11-22 [IFJ]

Outrage as Saudis Secretly Execute Indonesian Worker 2018-11-05 [Freedom United]

NUJ hold candle-lit vigil for Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi embassy, London 2018-11-01 [NUJ]

IFJ: End the lies, cover-up and appeasement over killing of Jamal Khashoggi 2018-10-18 [IFJ]

Ibec cancels event to promote Saudi links amid Khashoggi controversy 2018-10-18 [Irish Times]

Overworked, abused, hungry: Vietnamese domestic workers in Saudi 2018-09-19 [Al Jazeera]

Bangladeshi domestic workers face physical and sexual abuse in Saudi Arabia 2018-09-08 [Deutsche Welle]

“The Gulf is no longer a dream land for Asian migrants” 2018-06-14 [Equal Times]

The everyday acts of resistance from migrant domestic workers in Saudi Arabia 2018-01-31 [Equal Times]

Ensuring Access to Justice for Workers in Forced Labor For more info 2018-01-11 [Solidarity Center]

Government Official Implicated in Stranded Maid Ordeal 2017-09-01 [The Cambodia Daily]

Fearing for Her Life, Maria Mwentenje Fled Her Employer 2017-07-27 [Solidarity Center]

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