Top stories
New Zealand Give power to powerless in health and safety review [Newsroom] 03-11-2024
New Zealand NZCTU alarmed at further cuts to WorkSafe [NZCTU] 27-10-2024
New Zealand Workers demonstrate strength of union power [NZCTU] 27-10-2024
New Zealand Thousands march to Parliament to protest Government’s ‘anti-worker agenda’ [Stuff] 26-10-2024
New Zealand Unions unite across Aotearoa for rights [waatea] 26-10-2024
New Zealand Workers demonstrate strength of union power [NZCTU-Te Kauae Kamahi] 23-10-2024
New Zealand / Pacific Before you eat – fighting exploitation on foreign fishing vessels [MUNZ] 22-10-2024
New Zealand E tū members ready to ‘Fight Back Together’ [E tu] 22-10-2024
New Zealand Unions appoint a workers’ observer for WCC – “cut salaries, not services” [Unions Wellington] 18-10-2024
New Zealand Accounts show Government choosing pain over a plan [NZCTU] 13-10-2024
Other news
This month in labour history
8-11-1913 A general strike in launched in Auckland in sympathy with wharf workers, whose picket lines have been attacked by police [more]
12-11-1912 In the goldmining town of Waihi, New Zealand, striking miner Fred Evans is fatally injured when police and strikebreakers storm the miners' hall on what becomes known as Black Tuesday. [more]
26-11-1913 Christchurch paper boys strike local newspapers to press their demand for increased wages. [more]