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Where trade unionists start their day on the net.

Apply to become a LabourStart correspondent

Thanks for your interest in becoming a LabourStart correspondent.

Our correspondents are unpaid volunteers who search the Internet for current news about working people and their trade unions and post links to those news items to our online database.

The websites we search include trade union sites (these are given the highest priority), mainstream media sites, and alternative media sites as well. It is essential that the stories you add fall within the range of what LabourStart covers; while there are many worthy causes (e.g., protection of the environment), not everything belongs on LabourStart. When in doubt, ask. And use LabourStart itself as a guide to what is suitable content.

Correspondents are encouraged to focus on what they know -- first and foremost, give us news about your union, your region, your country. (In some cases, posting news items from your union is all you will do -- and that's fine with us.)

If this sounds like something you'd like to help with, fill out the form below and click on Submit.

Required fields:

Email address:

Optional fields:

Title: (If you are a union official.)

Language: (List the languages in which you expect to post news stories.)

Phone: (Please include your country code.)

User ID: (Suggest a user ID which we could assign to you.)

Password: (Suggest a password which you will remember.)

Tell us something about yourself -- why you want to do this, who you are, how you can contribute to LabourStart. You have 1,000 characters, so please be concise:

To prevent spammers from using this form, please type in the word solidarity into this field:

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