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Suggest a campaign to LabourStart

WARNING: For the moment, you cannot submit campaigns using this form. Use this as a guideline and send the necessary text to us by email -

Please back up any text you send us in a text or Word file. In case something goes wrong in submitting this form, we will need to ask you to send us the campaign details as an attachment to an email. Thank you for understanding.

Important: READ THIS FIRST: click here

Want to learn how to write a better campaign? Click here for our short guide.

Your full name:

Your country:

Your union:

Your title in the union: (e.g., President)

Your email address:

Your phone number:

Your Skype name (if you have one):

A one paragraph summary of the campaign (background text):

A one paragraph suggested message to be sent to the target employer or government:

We now need to have the email addresses for the target government or employer (separated by commas). Please include an email address for the union as well. It is very important that you test these addresses. We will be telling tens of thousands of trade unionists to write to these addresses, and if messages bounce or fail, we get a very large number of complaints - which undermines people's trust in what we are doing. Please make sure that the union's email address is capable of receiving thousands of messages. If not, have the union set up an address which is (e.g., on web based email systems such as Gmail). Target email addresses:

URL (web address) with more detailed information about this campaign:

Is there a video connected to the campaign? If so, please submit the full URL for it:

If you would like us to give campaign supporters the option of being added to YOUR mailing list, key in Yes here:

We also need the following - send separately to
  • The logo, website URL, and full name of the union proposing the campaign. We also need a one sentence description about the union.
  • A choice of high-quality photos (2 or 3) to illustrate the campaign and the mass mailing.
  • And a reminder: You MUST TEST the target emails. Do this by sending your default message and watch for bounce-backs and error messages. We will not launch a campaign until the target email addresses have been tested.


Key in the word solidarity here:

If you have keyed in the word solidarity and if you agree with the text below, you may now click on the Submit button. Please read these texts in full -- they are very important:

LabourStart's ActNOW campaigns are a partnership between LabourStart and the union requesting the campaign. That means that each of us agrees to do certain things.