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Kazakh unions demand decent wages 2024-11-13 [IndustriALL]

Moving Disability Rights Forward For more info 2024-03-18 [Solidarity Center]

Oil Workers Fired As Strike Rages On 2024-03-01 [Eurasianet]

ITUC demands social dialogue and dropping of sanctions against striking workers 2024-02-10 [CALRMM]

ITUC demands social dialogue and dropping of sanctions against striking workers 2024-02-07 [ITUC]

ITUC demands sanctions against striking workers are dropped and social dialogue is established 2024-02-06 [ITUC]

State must respect workers’ right to strike 2024-02-03 [CALRMM]

Kazakhstan must respect workers’ right to strike 2024-01-29 [IndustriALL]

Hundreds Of Striking Kazakh Oil Workers Urge President To Intervene 2024-01-09 [RFE]

Oil workers persist with protest, government ignores 2024-01-04 [Eurasianet]

The WFTU on the death of 46 coal miners in Kazakhstan 2023-11-08 [WFTU]

Oil workers finally achieve union registration 2023-09-01 [IndustriALL]

Journalists harassed, assaulted and obstructed in separate incidents 2023-08-29 [IFJ]

Why are oil workers protesting? 2023-04-26 [Global Voices]

Stop corrupt practices in oil and gas region, respect workers and their unions 2023-04-22 [CALRMM]

Stop corrupt practices in oil and gas region, respect workers and their unions 2023-04-19 [ITUC]

Kazakhstan needs genuine social dialogue 2023-04-11 [IndustriALL]

Dr. Francis Atwoli Speech at the NLC Congress. 2023-02-12 [COTU]

IndustriALL призывает освободить казахстанского профсоюзного лидера 2019-07-24 [IndustriALL]

Anti-union laws have punished Kazakhstan�s workers. But the fight isn�t over  ActNOW!  2022-08-13 [CALRMM]

Government apologized to well-known journalists Seitkazy and Aset Matayev 2022-07-25 [Central Asia Labour Rights Monitoring Mission]

Conviction of trade union leaders: “another nail in the coffin of the independent trade union movement in Kazakhstan” 2017-08-21 [Equal Times]

Workers' Rights Crackdown Under Fresh Scrutiny 2019-06-11 [HRW]

Union Leader's Sentence Confirmed; Family, Union Reps Threatened  ActNOW!  2017-09-30 [ITUC]

Democracy and workers' rights are the main guarantees of peace and stability in Kazakhstan 2022-01-20 [IUF]

They shot to kill: the massacre of Kazakhstan's striking oil workers, eight years on 2020-01-14 [Opendemocracy]

What I didn't write about Zhanaozen 2018-01-18 [Open Democracy]

Kyrgyz Worker in Kazakhstan Paid $100 for 6 Months' Work 2018-07-27 [Solidarity Center]

Respect freedom of association! 2022-06-08 [IndustriALL]

Free the worker activist Erzhan Elshibayev  ActNOW!  2022-05-05 [Central Asia Labour Rights Monitoring Mission]

Kazakhstan: a breach of the social contract and the end of a political cycle 2022-02-10 [Equal Times]

Unions push for labour reforms to address public unrest 2022-01-22 [BWI]

Unions push for labour reforms to address public unrest 2022-01-21 [BWI]

Kazakhstan: ITUC demands inquiry into killings 2022-01-13 [ITUC]

Violence and repression of media grows amid anti-government protests 2022-01-15 [IFJ]

Government must respect democracy and fundamental rights 2022-01-12 [IndustriALL]

Fundamental change needed 2022-01-12 [ITUC]

Kazakstan: Fundamental change needed 2022-01-12 [ITUC]

Kazakh president gives shoot-to kill order to quell protests 2022-01-07 [Reuters]

Russia sends troops to put down Khazakstan uprising as fresh violence erupts 2022-01-07 [Reuters]

Kazakh Oil, Gas Facility Workers Go On Strike As Rallies Continue In Republic - Reports 2022-01-06 [UrduPoint / CNN]

10 Years Later, Many Questions Remain About The Zhanaozen Violence 2021-12-19 [RFE RL]

Kazakhstan needs strong unions 2021-12-16 [IndustriALL]

Union joins global ratification campaign of ILO Convention 190 2021-06-26 [BWI]

Global unions condemn government attacks on unions  ActNOW!  2021-02-05 [ITUC]

Independent Union Under Threat of Suspension 2021-01-28 [Human Rights Watch]

Union develop strategies against gender-based violence 2020-02-29 [BWI]

Union develop strategies against gender-based violence 2020-02-23 [BWI]

Global Pilots on Bek Air flight Z2100 2020-01-07 [IFALPA]

Union leader Erlan Baltabay imprisoned again 2019-10-21 [ITUC]

This month in labour history