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LabourStart is assembling an online bookshelf for trade unionists -- a list of the books that every trade unionist should own.

Please help us by adding your suggestions here. LabourStart's editors will make a selection from the books you nominate and the top 30 will appear on our online bookshelf at

And one of you from among those who suggested a book which is selected to be on the bookshelf will win a prize from LabourStart: a gift certificate to buy $50.00 worth of books at; or 20% of LabourStart's income from 4th quarter sales at -- whichever is higher. (The more books we sell this holiday season, the more you can win!)

All suggestions must be made before 31 December 2003.

Your name:

Your email address:

The title of the book you are suggesting:

The author:

Please tell us why this book should appear on LabourStart's Bookshelf:

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