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Where trade unionists start their day on the net.

You don't need a computer to access LabourStart!

Breaking news from the world's trade unions - to your mobile phone and other portable devices

We're committed to making breaking labour news available to trade unionists around the world whether they have computers or not. And right now, there are tens of millions of people who have SMS and WAP-enabled mobile phones, or personal digital assistants (PDAs), but no desktop or laptop computers. For millions of those people, the only way they have to access the internet is through their phones.

On this page we'll be showing you how to access LabourStart through your mobile phone and through other portable devices as these become available.

You might be interested in reading this article by Eric Lee - "Breaking labour news on your wristwatch?". It lays out the thinking behind the launch of these services on LabourStart, and was written on 31 January 2002.
Latest update:
Wednesday, 23-Nov-2022 08:32:58 CET

WAP is the Wireless Application Protocol -- it's the way you can access the World Wide Web through your mobile phone. We're now offering the ten top global labour news headlines, in English, as well as local news headlines in Norwegian.. The content is refreshed every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Use these address on your WAP-enabled mobile phone:

  • Global top stories in English:
  • Breaking UK labour news stories:
  • Norwegian-language labour news:
  • Dutch-language labour news:
In the future, we're considering adding additional WAP content, including content in different languages.
SMS, also known as "text messaging" is a way to send and receive very brief messages on your mobile phone. Currently, we're offering this service only in the United Kingdom, but to all the networks.

To use the service, you must first sign up at Genie -- free of charge -- to get a user ID. That userID (e.g., joehill) is what we will use to send you occasional urgent, breaking news stories to your mobile phone. You must the following format:

Enter your Genie UserID just before the "" here:
PDAs are portable digitial assistants, also known as palmtop computers -- popular models include the Palm, Psion, iPaq, and others. Our intention is to also make labour news headlines available on these devices in the near future. Watch this space!

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