Where trade unionists start their day on the net.

A dozen things you can do to help LabourStart

  1. Make LabourStart your home page.

    • In Microsoft Internet Explorer, select from the menu line View, then Internet Options, then General. Under Home Page, in the Address field, type

    • In Netscape Navigator, select from the menu line Edit, then Preferences, then Navigator. Under Home Page, in the Location field, type

    • In Opera, select from the menu line Navigation, then Set Home. Under "Global Home Page" type in

  2. Add a graphical link to LabourStart to your home page -- and get your union to do the same!

      Copy and paste the following lines of HTML code and put them in a prominent location on your home page:

      <a href=""><img src="" height="24" width="120" alt="Where trade unionists start their day on the net."></a>

      Let us know if you've added a link to LabourStart to your site! Thanks.

  3. Tell your friends and co-workers about LabourStart. Start by clicking here!

  4. Become a LabourStart correspondent - help contribute news links about your country. Join our large and growing network of labour correspondents around the globe.

  5. Submit original news reports to the Labour News Network, some of which will appear on the front page of LabourStart. Encourage others -- particularly people involved in current struggles like strikes -- to submit first hand reports to LNN.

  6. Participate in the LabourStart web forums. If you run a website, we encourage you to join the Labour Webmasters Forum, established in 1997. Set up a forum for your own union there and encourage other trade unionists you know to use this powerful tool.

  7. Suggest sites for the Labour Website of the Week. We're always on the lookout for examples of best practice in the trade union movement.

  8. Add your local union information to the Global Labour Calendar. The more people use the Calendar, the more effective it becomes. And remember: every day, the Calendar's items for that day appear on the LabourStart main page.

  9. Buy all your books, music and video through our online store (in association with You pay the lowest prices on the web and we receive a small percentage of all sales -- when customers come through our site.

  10. Put LabourStart's dynamically updated news headlines on your website. (This spreads the news much further and many more people will know labour news if it appears on more sites. Think of this as our own version of Reuters or Associated Press.)

  11. Sign up for a free LabourStart email address -- access the LabourStart website every day to get your mail.

  12. Join our mailing list; receive weekly updates:
    Stay informed with our weekly mailings.

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This document was last modified: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2022 08:32:07 CET