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5 January 1998

Canadian labour webmaster:
"The web will be labour's new tool"

I am a neophyte labour web editor. Our local, Pulp paper and Woodworkers of Canada, local 2, launched a web site in April of 97. We went on strike against Fletcher Challenge Canada (global paper and energy comapny) in July of 1997. At that point our web site was pretty goofy, it had a few of our newsletters in PDF format, not many of our members even knew about it. Our strike consists of two unions, Communication Energy and Paperworkers Union (CEP) and the smaller PPWC. There are 5 locals of the 2 unions on strike representing 2,400 workers. At the beginning only our local had a web site (PPWC local 2) now 4 of the locals maintain a site and both of the national union offices maintain sites.

What is interesting is that the national sites are quite staid and reserved, while the local sites have become very militant and popular. Our viewers at the local sites have increased to the point where approximately 40% of our members view the sites on a regular basis. Our strike is in its sixth month, but our support is increasing and this is due in part to our web presence. I believe that maintaining our sites has caused considerable problems for the company, as we have been able to counter their mis-information spread in the right wing media. The web is the one place where labour can get its point accross without having it twisted by the mainstream media. We have watched our viewers and many of them are the company's customers and shareholders. It has weakened their stand and helped our cause.

It has made it possible for us to get badly needed donations from around the world to help us fight this battle.

It has also helped keep our members informed as to what is happening (this is very important, as the different mills are spread around the province). This site has become more of a tool in this strike than I ever thought was possible. I believe at the end of this strike, that what started out as a novelty, will have become our most powerful tool. I only regret that I got into this so late in the game. I wish I had the technical expertise to really maintain a powerful presence. However, we run this on a shoestring, I work from home and the server we use donates our web time.

One positive result is that we have started computer and web workshops through a training initiative. So as our members are idled by the strike, they have been able to come to class set up and participate in maintaining and creating web sites and generally finding out what is available for unions on the net.

Do I think that 98 holds more in store for unions on the web? Without a doubt the web will be OUR TOOL!!!! Never have we been able to get out the truth so effectively as we have with our web site. Never have we had so much solidarity in our struggle. Everyone can see our struggle our true goals, our desire for a fair agreement. It has gone to the point now, that even the media views our site to get background information. They have started (slowly) to present the facts in a different light and that is due to the fact that they know we have a lot of information out there.

Yes, the web will be labour's new tool. It will be our powerful media. It will help create the next generation of labour activists. Already young people have a great affinity with the internet, and they will be exposed to our sites and perhaps not look at unions as a bunch of old men in decline.

Sorry I rambled on so much, but I agree with your predictions 100%. It is our tool, our key to future success, our key to beating back the MAI and other corporate global power struggles.


Phil Davies

Internet Link Exchange
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