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Where trade unionists start their day on the net.

ActNOW Wire: A new tool for trade union campaigning

Imagine this scene: workers, somewhere in the world, need help. Maybe their employer doesn't like trade unions and is refusing to negotiate with them. Or maybe it's much worse -- maybe some of their leaders have been jailed, or killed.

Those workers get the word out -- with their appeal for protest or solidarity messages -- through the net to their union. And their union tells us.

Until now, what we've been able to do is put their story on LabourStart, and get their appeal out to our mailing list. And hope that others would spread the word.

But we can do more than that. We can make sure that their appeals appear simultaneously on dozens, perhaps hundreds, of websites.

Imagine the impact: within minutes of an appeal reaching us in London, websites all over the world would carry links to a user-friendly page which would allow the sending of messages of protest or solidarity.

It would act as a 'force multiplier', to borrow a term from the military. It would greatly expand our effectiveness. And it would make it harder for employers and governments to crush workers and their unions.

To get the latest urgent action campaigns on your union's website, all you have to do is copy and paste one line of text. That's it. We do all the rest.

Here's the line of text to copy and paste into your union's website:

<script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>

That's it. Once you've done so, here's what the ActNOW wire will look like on your website:

The ActNOW wire is now also available in Norwegian. Here's what you need to copy and paste:

<script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>

And here's the result you'll see on your site:

Please make sure to let us know that you've added the ActNOW wire to your website. Drop a line to Thanks very much.