The Global Labournet Navigation Bar Campaign

Let's focus our power!

How do I participate? | Who is participating?

There are well over 1,500 labour websites around the globe and they are all competing with one another by each one creating its own list of labour links. Meanwhile, there are already sites which are doing a superb job of creating the first labour mega-sites -- our own versions of Yahoo! and the popular search engines like AltaVista, Infoseek and Hotbot.

Those sites include:

In addition, trade union webmasters have come up with two cooperative advertising efforts:

Using the red navigation bar you see at the top of this page, we can begin to focus thousands of "hits" on these sites, thereby beginning to create tools which will serve the entire labour movement around the globe.

By adding this navigation bar to your pages, you contribute to building a global labour network -- and you provide a service to your own visitors by giving them pointers to reach the broader labour movement on the Web.

How do I participate?

It's simple: Copy and paste the following HTML code into your website, preferably on the top of the page, as here. Include this code on every page of your site, if possible.

<!-- Beginning of Global Labournet Navigation Bar (Beta Version - 22.1.98) -->
<map name="labour">
<area coords="0,0,118,17" shape="rect" href="">
<area coords="118,0,276,17" shape="rect" href="">
<area coords="276,0,367,17" shape="rect" href="">
<area coords="367,0,444,17" shape="rect" href="">
<area coords="444,0,532,17" shape="rect" href="">
<center><img src="" usemap="#labour" border=0></center><br>
<!-- End of Global Labournet Navigation Bar -->

Who is participating?

In this space, we'll add links to some of the sites which already proudly display this navigation bar on their sites. The first sites to come on board include:

The Labour Movement and the Internet: The Website
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