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  1. New!   Unions in a Contrary World: The Future of the Australian Trade Union Movement; David Peetz; Paperback; This book is not yet available but you can order it and it will be shipped when it is released by the publisher.

  2. New!   Revolutionary Industrial Unionism: The Industrial Workers of the World in Australia; Verity Burgmann; Paperback; $24.95

  3. Catching the Wave : Workplace Reform in Australia; John Mathews; Paperback; $30.50

  4. Public Employment Compulsory Arbitration in Australia; Gerald E. Caiden; Paperback; $7.35

  5. Transforming Labor : Labour Tradition and the Labor Decade in Australia; Peter Beilharz; Hardcover; $59.95

  6. One Big Union : A History of the Australian Workers Union 1886-1994; Harry Knowles, Mark Hearn; Hardcover; $64.95

  7. In union is strength : a history of trade unions in Australia 1788-1974 ; Ian Turner; no price stated. This title is out of print. It is no longer available from the publisher; we'll query our network of used bookstores for you and send an update within a week.

  8. Inside Australia's largest trade union; Pat Huntley; no price stated. This title is out of print. It is no longer available from the publisher; we'll query our network of used bookstores for you and send an update within a week.

  9. Mindful militants : the Amalgamated Engineering Union in Australia, 1920-1972; Tom Sheridan; no price stated. This title is out of print. It is no longer available from the publisher; we'll query our network of used bookstores for you and send an update within a week.

  10. Trade union law in Australia : the legal status of Australian trade unions; Douglas W. Smith; no price stated. This title is out of print. It is no longer available from the publisher; we'll query our network of used bookstores for you and send an update within a week.

  11. One hundred years of the printing union in South Australia, 1874-1974; James Churchett; no price stated. This title is out of print. It is no longer available from the publisher; we'll query our network of used bookstores for you and send an update within a week.

  12. Postal unions and politics : a history of the Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union of Australia; Frank Waters; no price stated. This title is out of print. It is no longer available from the publisher; we'll query our network of used bookstores for you and send an update within a week.

  13. The Seamen's Union of Australia, 1872-1972 : a history; Brian Fitzpatrick; no price stated. This title is out of print. It is no longer available from the publisher; we'll query our network of used bookstores for you and send an update within a week.