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  1. New!   Labour and Democracy in Namibia by Gretchen Bauer. Paperback. $17.95. Published April 1998.

  2. Labour and Parastatal Politics in Sierra Leone: A Study of African Working-Class Ambivalence by David Fashole Luke. Paperback; $23.25.

  3. Industrial Relations in Africa Vol 1; Damachi, Ukandi G. Damachi; Hardcover; $35.00

  4. Labour and Unions in Asia and Africa: Contemporary Issues Vol 1; Roger Southall; Hardcover; $49.95

  5. Willing Migrants: Soninke Labor Diasporas, 1848-1960 by Francois Manchuelle. Paperback; $24.95.

  6. Workers on the Nile : Nationalism, Communism, Islam, and the Egyptian Working Class, 1882-1954 (Princeton Studies on the Near East); Zachary Lockman, Joel Beinin; Hardcover; $80.00

  7. Breaking the Chains: Labour in South Africa in the 1970s and 1980s by Gerald Kraak. Hardcover; $70.00.

  8. Capital and Labor in South Africa by Darcy Dutoit. Hardcover; $75.00.

  9. The Anc and Black Workers in South Africa, 1912-1992: An Annotated Bibliography by Peter Limb. Hardcover; $95.00.