
LabourStart and the US Labor Movement

Eric: We need more US correspondents that are more engaged in American union issues.  LS campaigns on behalf of US unions.  How do we get US unions to come to us?  American unions need be more involved in international campaigns but, very often, are not interested in international concerns.  How can this be combated?  How can we do necessary educational work about global issues in the US?

Arieh:  We need to get people from unions into sessions like this, maybe from unions that have a connection to an international issue that we have targeted.

Help targeted unions with ActNOW campaigns and eventually find more correspondents.  It is even difficult to get people interested in something happening in their own union, but in a different local.  International interest?  Apathy is not a new problem.

Eric invited to and visited Toronto at the height of the SARS panic.  Asked, “What can LS do for you?”

Derek:  Effective to contact individuals from unions whose locals use LS news feed and ask them to become correspondents so that their own news will appear on that country’s page.

Tula Connell spoke about the AFL-CIO blog.

But why are American trade unionists so resistant to international trade unionism?

Written by rnitzberg in: 2009 conference,Uncategorized |

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