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Contraband markets: an unsustainable lifeline in a country where informality abounds 2024-04-15 [Equal Times]

FIFPRO appeals to FIFA for intervention to assist footballers in Bolivia 2024-02-10 [FIFPRO]

Unions agree to insist on ratification of ILO C190 at PSI meeting 2023-12-06 [PSI]

When digital infrastructure and digital literacy do not go hand in hand : Bolivia’s digital divide 2023-10-29 [Equal Times]

President Arce Greets Anniversary of Bolivian Mining Union 2023-06-13 [TeleSUR]

Unions denounce right-wing destabilisation attempts 2022-11-23 [Green Left Weekly]

Working mothers in Bolivia: when motherhood collides with care work policies 2022-08-07 [Equal Times]

Working mothers in Bolivia: when motherhood collides with care work policies 2022-07-29 [Equal Times]

Sex workers plead for a return to work – in full-length plastic suits 2020-07-02 [The New Daily]

ITF condemns coup d'état in Bolivia 2019-11-15 [ITF]

Unions and government announce May Day pay rise 2022-05-01 [RKC]

Government Agrees to Wage Increases 2022-04-28 [teleSUR]

General strike & blockade enter day 11 as protesters condemn delayed vote by coup government 2020-08-17 [Democracy Now]

Labor union urges indefinite general strike with mobilizations demanding elections 2020-08-10 [teleSUR]

Social movements maintain blockades despite threats 2020-08-10 [Telesur]

Indefinite Strike Begins in Bolivia Against Postponement of General Elections 2020-08-05 [Newsclick]

Cochabamba: maestros instalan piquete de huelga con cuatro exigencias 2020-07-03 [Los Tiempos]

Bolivian leader agrees to withdraw military in deal to 'pacify' country 2019-11-25 [Radio New Zealand International]

Political Crisis Must be Settled at the Ballot Box 2019-11-13 [ITUC]

Major Trade Union Pledges Support for Evo Morales 2018-03-02 [TeleSUR]

President Condemns Doctors' Decision to Maintain Strike 2018-01-10 [TeleSUR]

Govt. and Doctors Reach Pre-Agreement to End Strike 2018-01-03 [TeleSUR]

Government, Doctors Meet To Negotiate End To Strike 2018-01-01 [TeleSUR]

This month in labour history