LabourStart - Belarus

Aksjonerer for fagforeningsrettigheter og demokrati

Top stories

Belarus Aksjonerer for fagforeningsrettigheter og demokrati [Unio] 19-04-2024

Belarus Den forbudte fagbevegelsen fra 'Europas siste diktatur' [LO] 30-10-2023

Belarus Forfulgt fagbevegelse fikk endelig Arthur Svensson-diplomet [Industri Energi] 24-10-2023

Belarus Har fengslet flere fagforeningsledere. Slik forsvarer ambassadøren det [Fri fagbevegelse] 19-06-2023

Belarus Krever at fagforeningslederne løslates [Fri fagbevegelse] 08-06-2023

Belarus Ikea-tillitsvalgt er opprørt over påstander om bruk av straffanger i møbelproduksjonen [HK-Nytt] 20-12-2022

Belarus Frigi våre kollegaer [Unio] 20-12-2022

Belarus Ikea skal ha brukt straffanger [NRK] 12-12-2022

Belarus Fagbevegelsen deltok i feiringen av Nobels fredspris [LO] 12-12-2022

Belarus Et dramatisk angrep på europeisk fagbevegelse [Industri Energi]  ActNOW!  14-11-2022

Other news

Belarus Letter to the Prime Minister of Belarus on repression of trade unionists 2024-05-01 [Unifor]

Belgium Belgian unions demand release of political prisoners in Belarus 2024-04-30 []

Germany Action in Berlin demands release of Belarusian union activists 2024-04-24 []

Global International support for free trade unions in Belarus 2024-04-22 []

ITUC general secretary called for the release of trade union leaders in Belarus 2024-04-19 []

Aksjonerer for fagforeningsrettigheter og demokrati 2024-04-19 [Unio]

Global 19 April 2024: Day of Action for Trade Union Rights and Democracy in Belarus 2024-04-18 [Salidarnast]

Global Trade unionism is not a crime: Solidarity with Belarusian jailed trade unionists 2024-04-13 [EPSU]

Former customs officer elected as FPB President 2024-04-10 []

Global Day of action on 19 April in solidarity with Belarusian unionists 2024-04-09 [IndustriALL]

“Salidarnast” materials were found to be extremist in Belarus 2024-04-03 []

Political prisoner Volha Brytsikava will be tried on March 11 in closed mode 2024-02-29 []

Italy BKDP representative met with leaders of trade union centers in Italy 2024-02-28 []

Solidarity with the trade unions of Belarus - interview with Lizaveta Merliak 2024-02-07 [LabourStart Podcasts]

For the fourth time in a row the authorities arrested a participant of the strike at Naftan 2024-02-07 []

Belarus: Union leader released from jail 2024-02-04 [IndustriALL]

REP trade union wins victory at the UN 2024-02-02 []

The activist of the REP trade union is at liberty 2024-01-30 []

Belarus Swedish trade unions and Salidarnast discussed the situation of labour rights in Belarus 2024-01-30 []

KGB detained a former participant of the Naftan strike 2024-01-24 []

Layoffs in the ranks of the pro-government union continue 2024-01-24 []

Harassment of workers continues at Naftan 2024-01-15 []

Women trade unionists in Belarusian prisons 2024-01-10 []

The chairperson of the regional trade union of bank workers was arrested and deprived of her position 2024-01-09 []

Journalists’ repression intensified in 2023 2023-12-29 [EFJ]

A third wave of arrests of workers at the Neman plant 2023-12-18 []

The defendant in the Rabochy Rukh case was transferred to prison regime 2023-12-14 []

Norway Salidarnast leader speaks about repression in Belarus at Oslo conference 2023-12-13 []

A trade union activist became a laureate of the Human Rights Award 2023-12-11 []

Lithuania Representatives of the BKDP took part in the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the Belarusian Social Democracy 2023-12-11 []

Germany Solidarity action with imprisoned union leaders took place at the IG Metall conference 2023-12-05 []

Around 40 former BNP activists detained in union leader's case 2023-12-04 []

Trade union activists were shortlisted for the Human rights community award of Belarus 2023-12-01 []

Tech Giants must stop being complicit in the repression of Belarusian journalists in exile 2023-11-28 [EFJ]

The date of appeal against the sentence of the REP trade union activist is known 2023-11-22 []

Belarus A conference on freedom of association and anti-harassment was held at EHU 2023-11-22 []

Europe A representative of Belarusian trade unions took part in the Eastern Partnership Forum 2023-11-16 []

Belarus Exhibition in Hanover draws attention to the problem of trade union prisoners in Belarus 2023-11-03 []

The trade union leader of the REP was returned to the colony 2023-11-01 [Svaboda]

Den forbudte fagbevegelsen fra 'Europas siste diktatur' 2023-10-30 [LO]

Forfulgt fagbevegelse fikk endelig Arthur Svensson-diplomet 2023-10-24 [Industri Energi]

Sweden Unionen holds 5th Congress, denounces deportation of Belarusian labour leader 2023-10-19 [BWI]

Belarusian trade union leader urged the ITUC to enforce the ILO resolution on Belarus 2023-10-16 []

Former deputy head of the BNP trade union at Naftan arrested 2023-10-16 []

A former trade union lawyer spoke about the conditions of detention of political prisoners in Belarus 2023-10-13 []

Belarus Unionen Congress adopted a statement in support of Belarusian trade unionists 2023-10-12 []

Political prisoner-activist Sharenda-Panasiuk was sentenced to another year of imprisonment 2023-10-10 []

The imprisoned trade union leader was hospitalized, he needs a kidney transplant 2023-10-06 []

Sweden Respect international law! 2023-10-05 [IndustriALL]

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