LabourStart - Angola

Negotiations on minimum wage are moving forward

Top stories

Angola Negotiations on minimum wage are moving forward [Prensa Latina] 02-02-2024

Angola 'Covering conflict zones came so naturally that before I knew it I was already there' [IFJ] 09-03-2023

Angola Air navigation union calls for a strike [MedaFrica] 03-01-2023

Angola Decent sanitation is a vital right for workers [ITF] 19-11-2022

Angola Sinprof pede 20 por cento do Orçamento Geral do Estado para Educação, contra 6,5 de 2022 [VoA] 11-10-2022

Angola Government to striking doctors: Forget your salaries [Africanews] 02-04-2022

Angola Eight journalists assaulted while covering a civil society demonstration [IFJ] 28-10-2020

Other news

Negotiations on minimum wage are moving forward 2024-02-02 [Prensa Latina]

'Covering conflict zones came so naturally that before I knew it I was already there' 2023-03-09 [IFJ]

Union suspends air traffic staff strike after government steps in 2023-01-05 [Macau Business]

Air navigation union calls for a strike 2023-01-03 [MedaFrica]

Decent sanitation is a vital right for workers 2022-11-19 [ITF]

Sinprof pede 20 por cento do Orçamento Geral do Estado para Educação, contra 6,5 de 2022 2022-10-11 [VoA]

Angola: Head of state receives memorandum from central trade unions 2022-05-10 []

Government to striking doctors: Forget your salaries 2022-04-02 [Africanews]

Angola suspends pay for striking doctors 2022-04-01 [Africa CGTN]

Angola taxi frivers strike sparks protests against ruling party 2022-01-12 [Bloomberg]

Eight journalists assaulted while covering a civil society demonstration 2020-10-28 [IFJ]

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