
Global Solidarity Conference

Poster for conference - click to enlarge. 9-11 July 2010

McMaster University

School of Labour Studies

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

LabourStart Correspondents

Agenda for meeting of LabourStart correspondents

The meeting for LabourStart correspondents will take place on the final afternoon of the conference, on Sunday 11 July.

Am I a LabourStart correspondent? You are if you appear on this list.

The following is a draft agenda:

  1. News database and correspondents: Discussion of our strengths and weaknesses; how to recruit new correspondents and keep them active.
  2. Our ActNOW campaigns -- coping with a growing number of requests, going beyond the traditional email campaign.
  3. UnionBook -- success? failure? do we continue with it?
  4. Followup on conference issues/recommendations and an organizational post-mortem, including a financial report and fundraising.
  5. Special focus on LabourStart in Canada - where to take the network?
  6. Our next conference -- where and when?