Annual fundraising campaign - 2011

We need your help!

Every year around May Day, LabourStart runs a global fundraising campaign.

Because we receive no money from corporations or governments, we are dependent upon you and your unions to keep LabourStart going.

This year more than ever before we need your support.

Here are some reasons why:

  • We are the only source of international trade union news in more than two dozen languages.
  • We have run over 200 online campaigns in support of trade unions and workers around the world - resulting in union activists being freed from jail, strikes being won, employers and governments respecting workers' rights.
  • This year we will be holding our second annual Global Solidarity Conference in Istanbul from 18-20 November.
  • Our news and our campaigns are widely used on trade union websites thanks to our syndication service.
  • Everything we do is offered for free to trade unions -- we do not charge for our services.

Please make a personal donation using one of the links to the left and then -- please persuade your union to make a substantial (and if possible, ongoing) contribution as well.

Thank you!